When you’re stepping into the world of chronic illness, a diagnosis isn’t always an easy thing. First, you’ve got the process of getting diagnosed. This isn’t the same as figuring out if you’ve got an infection; take a culture and get the results back in a few days. While some […]
If you’re familiar with those on the EDS spectrum, you know they try not to do surgeries with us. It can be especially frustrating when you tear a ligament or tendon, but there are a variety of reasons for trying to avoid it. Many of us don’t respond normally to […]
Best friends is not exactly a term often heard when discussing ones mental illness, but it’s true for mine. The two of them are near inseparable. They’re like two old women who go to the hairdressers mainly to gossip or the old conspiracy theorist that everyone tries to avoid so […]
I recently chose to go on antidepressants for the first time since I was 17. I fought long and hard to avoid going back on them, but I forgot one major thing during that fight. That medication to help your mental health isn’t a mark of failure. Let me repeat […]
I’ve been told this a lot recently I just had my second major surgery. It went well and though it was only a week ago, I can tell it’s healing pretty good thus far. The surgery prep was less than phenomenal, though it wasn’t the fault of a bad nursing […]
“OMG, why do you talk about your medical problems so often?” I’ve had this conversation, as well as overheard this conversation, recently… “No, seriously. It’s like you’re always talking about it. Your rings, your surgery, your doctors, your diagnosis, your pain. On and on and on and on to everyone!” […]
I made someone’s day the other day. He was a semi-retired doctor visiting my place of work that got to officially meet his first zebra. I think it ended up being a meaningful conversation for both of us in the end. How We Got to Talking About Zebras With the […]
Learning to Let People Help Isn’t Always Easy I’m not talking about asking your brother to pass the salt at dinner or getting the smart kid that sits next to you in class to “help” you with your essay, though I’m sure both those examples can come with their share […]
As I wrote in the Part One of this the other day: Recovering from surgery is taxing in the best of situations. Your body is diverting a lot of resources to the area that was worked on and, as in my case, is trying to decide whether to fight or […]
Recovering from surgery is taxing in the best of situations. Your body is diverting a lot of resources to the area that was worked on and, as in my case, is trying to decide whether to fight or accept the new pieces that were put in. But it works a […]