
18 posts

To Adapt, Or Not To Adapt, That is the Question:

I know not everyone is a Shakespeare fan, but bear with me for a moment. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to […]

Thoughts on Love, Trauma, & Fear

I was gifted a very unexpected emotional rollercoaster of a journey early in the morning one day, so I wanted to pass that journey on to all of you. If you stay with it, I promise, it has an uplifting ending, but consider this your “Bad Feelings Ahead” trigger warning. […]

Blame the Purple Cows

It’s a very natural thing, when bad things happen, to ask “Why me?” We try to make sense of the chaos that can be Ehlers-Danlos (or other rare disorders). One evening, a friend of mine and I were discussing that frustration. I was having ankle complications that even one of […]

When #MeToo Hits You Too

To cut to the chase, consider this your trigger warning, I’ve been sexually assaulted by someone who was assisting with post surgical care a number of months ago and that’s what this is about. While yes, I’ll be talking about my experience, only so much as to provide a stepping […]

Suicidal Thoughts Aren’t Always Loud

Content Warning: May be a sensitive topic for some readers If you need immediate help, the number for the national suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255 and they have a chat option on their website at Suicidal thoughts are a major taboo subject, but we can’t even come close to helping […]