Chronic Illness

38 posts

To Adapt, Or Not To Adapt, That is the Question:

I know not everyone is a Shakespeare fan, but bear with me for a moment. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to […]

Thoughts on Love, Trauma, & Fear

I was gifted a very unexpected emotional rollercoaster of a journey early in the morning one day, so I wanted to pass that journey on to all of you. If you stay with it, I promise, it has an uplifting ending, but consider this your “Bad Feelings Ahead” trigger warning. […]

The Frustration of a Mast Cell Flare

Thank the gods for speech to text in this moment. Friday, my hands started to get little tiny blisters on the joints. This is something I’m familiar with as dyshidrotic eczema. It can happen for any number of reasons and I’ve gotten to know (or thought I did) most of […]

Blame the Purple Cows

It’s a very natural thing, when bad things happen, to ask “Why me?” We try to make sense of the chaos that can be Ehlers-Danlos (or other rare disorders). One evening, a friend of mine and I were discussing that frustration. I was having ankle complications that even one of […]

When Doing Nothing Is Still Taking Action

One of the most difficult lessons I’ve had to learn since being diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), is to be patient and give myself ample time to rest after an injury. Part of this was a constant drive to push past pain to appear normal. The other part was facing […]

Words of Hope from a Zebra Amidst the Coronavirus Quarantine

All around the world, folks are being asked to make sacrifices in their daily routines in order to help limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. To stay inside, not go to see friends and family, to avoid social gatherings, to go to church via online broadcast only. Intellectually, they […]