I Want a New Body, Don’t You?

Neurologist appointment today, and oh did I have questions for her.
The *dead* feeling in my right butt cheek, and radiating all the way down to my toes is making me insane!  I cannot get away from it, I want to crawl out of my own skin.  And my arms, same sensation.  So she says let’s look at your c-spine MRI…

She says “Oh.”

*Fact: You never want to hear your doctor say “Oh” when looking at any test results

I say… OH???
Her…Your neck is bad. Really bad
Me……..😑 >Can I just get a new body? Because this one sucks donkey turds.
Her….. No, but let’s see what we can do.

Increase Gabapentin to max dose.  Another round of my favorite <snark implied> nemesis, methylprednisone.  Add Topamax for migraine control and to help with the tremors in my hands caused by the nerve damage in my neck.  Order an inflatable home c-spine traction device.  Caudal injections in my l-spine and SI joint . She wants an epidural block done on my c-spine .  All of this in an effort to put off cervical spine surgery for as long as possible .

It’s one of those days where too much happened in a very small time frame.  And now, I’m sharing my pity party with all of you.

But, I will process these new problems, and I will add these new meds to my overflowing pill planner.  And most importantly, I will tell myself what I always tell myself whenever a new roadblock pops up.

It is what it is.

If I cannot change the facts, fix the problem, well….. there is no point in making myself miserable over it.  We cannot dwell on that which is impossible to change.
*Pssssssst…  I still want that new body.  Preferably one about sixty pounds lighter, and ten years younger.  😉😉

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